Creative Director

Arlene Bell

Personal Info

Team building games and activities are a great way to bond and bring your employee together. Whether they’re done in person virtually team building activities aid with coworker connections, communication and relationship formation in addition to brightening your team Not all team building games are suitable for all teams, which is why we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite team-building.

Ask your group to raise their arms and point their index fingers out. Lay the magic cane or helium stick across their fingers. The stick should be
at the chest level height of the tallest participant to start. Once the stick is laying across participants fingers, tell them that their challenge is to
lower this stick to the ground. Everyone’s finger must remain in contact with the stick at all times during the challenge. If it slips, they have to
start from the beginning. Pinching or grabbing the stick with other fingers is considered cheating.

Specially :
Coding expert
Certification :

Game Developer

Training :
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Work days :

Professional Skills

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Problem Solving
Web Designer 75%
Web Designer 85%
Game design
Web Designer 95%

Award and Honours

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